商品の説明 高台寺は、京都府京都市東山区にある臨済宗建仁寺派の寺院です。豊臣秀吉の正室・北政所(ねね)が、秀吉の菩提を弔うために創建したお寺で、紅葉の名所や、方丈庭園、ライトアップなどで知られています。 高台寺の素焼き茶碗や茶道具は、茶道の歴史や高台寺の文化的背景を反映した品として価値があります。 茶碗にある刻印をご確認ください。 表千家の先生より譲っていただきました。 陶芸、漆芸、木工、漆器、竹工芸など、さまざまな分野の工芸品があります 職人の技が光る高品質な工芸品をラインナップ 状態もよく保存されていてヴィンテージとしてもよいお品です。 Experience the Subtle Beauty of Kodaiji Craftsmanship Located in Kyoto’s historic Higashiyama district, Kodaiji Temple is a Zen temple founded by Nene, the wife of Toyotomi Hideyoshi, in memory of her husband. Renowned for its autumn foliage, Hojo Garden, and serene night illuminations, Kodaiji represents the refined beauty of Japanese tradition. This unglazed tea bowl and tea utensils, associated with Kodaiji, reflect the temple’s cultural background and the artistry of the Japanese tea ceremony. Kindly note the unique stamp on the tea bowl, indicating its origin. These items were carefully handed down from an Omotesenke tea master. Well-preserved and with vintage appeal, this piece is suitable for personal use or as a refined addition to a café or tea ceremony setting. 商品の情報 カテゴリーホビー・楽器・アート > 美術品・アンティーク・コレクション > 工芸品 > 茶道具 > 茶碗商品の状態目立った傷や汚れなし発送元の地域神奈川県
Experience the Subtle Beauty of Kodaiji Craftsmanship
Located in Kyoto’s historic Higashiyama district, Kodaiji Temple is a Zen temple founded by Nene, the wife of Toyotomi Hideyoshi, in memory of her husband. Renowned for its autumn foliage, Hojo Garden, and serene night illuminations, Kodaiji represents the refined beauty of Japanese tradition.
This unglazed tea bowl and tea utensils, associated with Kodaiji, reflect the temple’s cultural background and the artistry of the Japanese tea ceremony. Kindly note the unique stamp on the tea bowl, indicating its origin. These items were carefully handed down from an Omotesenke tea master.
Well-preserved and with vintage appeal, this piece is suitable for personal use or as a refined addition to a café or tea ceremony setting.
カテゴリーホビー・楽器・アート > 美術品・アンティーク・コレクション > 工芸品 > 茶道具 > 茶碗商品の状態目立った傷や汚れなし発送元の地域神奈川県